Tuesday, December 4, 2007

ever present energy

energy is a word that cant be defined by any one definition. energy is however every present, cannot be created or lost, only transformed. Some people claim that spirts from the other word are present in ours and can be seen or at the very least "felt" through increased energy patches. these experiences could be results of the mind playing tricks on the body or maybe there are increased energy areas. the only problem is that these cants be proven and thus there will always be skeptics.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Student Athletes

The student athletes life is completely different from that of the normal student. With days that start when other students are just getting to bed and a rule book that is larger than most text books, there can be little comparing the two.
Today's student athletes are expected to compete not only on the playing field but also in the classroom. The National Collegiate Athletic Association has slowly raised the minimum G.P.A. and SAT scores for incoming freshmen. The same is to be said for athletes that transfer from NAIA and Junior Colleges. To be considered eligible to participate in NCAA sanctioned events a transfer student must have completed 40% of his degree requirements after their sophomore year, 60% after their junior year, and thusly, 80% after four years of of schooling.
The athletes time is also divided up among many different things. Whether it's practices, individuals, captains practice, weights at 6am, community service, class, study hall, and finally FREE TIME. After dividing your time up among these commitments during the off season you have to factor in add games to the mix. Division I baseball is allowed to schedule 56 regular season games during the course of a year. The normal schedule is having a game on Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday is considered a travel day(when you have to get to the airport to travel to conference games at around 9am), with a three game series Friday through Sunday. This schedule demands that the players miss no classes on very rare occasions to as much as 4 days of classes during a single week.
The student athlete also needs to stay somewhat sheltered from the student body. Student athletes are held to higher standards than other students. If students are caught drinking they would only get 5 hours of community service to be done on campus and be done at that. If an athlete is caught drinking their scholarship could be revoked, dismissed from the team and cause the schools athletic department to have restrictions placed upon it from the NCAA.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The failing Black Family

Today's black families are failing at an accelerated rate. Experts point out that there is a circle of events that are to blame for this. Families that are without fathers are more likely to fail at school, leading to criminal behaviors, which in turn brings about economic hardship. This cycle is the integral part of the demise of the black family. The fact is that most African American kids will grow up never having seen an actual wedding. In a controversial study done on black families show that 25% of kids are born out of wedlock. These kids who are fatherless never learn how to be "eligible for marriage". For the first time since the start of slavery black people can't say that things are going to get better.

Monday, November 26, 2007

psychic surgery

Psychic surgery is one form of faith healing that has been very popular in third world countries where health care is not readily available. The Philippines and Brazil are the two locations where this form of "medicine" originated. The so called father of this operation is Alex Orbito from the Philippines. Alex runs his fingers over the patient where their reported pain is. After discreetly squirting animal blood hidden in his palm, he pretends to pull the "tumor" out of the non-existent cut. These tumors are actually chicken livers and hearts that are also hidden away in Mr. Orbito's hand. Once the tumors are removed he pulls his hands away, wipes the blood away, and reveals an untouched, unscathed stomach. Alex Orbito's tactics are morally wrong. He gives a false sense of hope to people who are possibly on the death bed. This lack of ethics just to make some easy money is despicable and deplorable.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Enhanced Interrogation

Enhanced Interrogation is another term for torture that is used by the CIA and other government agencies to extract information from prisoners. Most of the methods approved by President Bush involve open-handed slaps to the chest and head but also can involve captives being forced to stand for extended periods of time, keeping them in cold rooms and perhaps the most controversial of them all is something called water boarding.
Other countries envoke different methods to get information from captives. The Gestapo of Nazi Germany used methods like hard beds, dark rooms, sleep deprivation, exhaustion, and hits with a stick. The lawyers of the captives in Guantanamo Bay have made claims that these behaviors are very simular to the ones carried out on their clients.
Lately these interrogation methods have met some scrutany with civilians. Just this past year over 100 professors from institutions across America wrote to the Attorney General claiming that waterboarding is infact torture and therefore a criminal felony.

and another one for 9/11

Nostradamus the king of the prophecy may have predicted the events on September 11Th. unfortunately this is not true. the passage that is in question was actually written by a college student in 1996 in an attempt to show how writing that is very general in nature can easily be interpreted any way the readers imagination wants to.
In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb''The third big war will begin when the big city is burning'- Nostradamus 1654
...on the 11 day of the 9 month that...two metal birds would crash into two tall statues...in the new city..and the world will end soon after"
"From the book of Nostradamus"
This second paragraph was taken from a website where this was posted the day after September 11th. this writing is so vague just as most of Nostradamus' writing that most people interpreted it to mean the events that transpired the day before. Whats funny about this prediction is that it was supposedly written in 1654 when he had passed away in 1566, almost 100 years after his death.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

the lord god bird

the lord god bird or ivory-billed woodpecker has been baffling cryptozoologists for a long time. the bird is purported to have magical powers and thus the reason that they were hunted to "extinction". the bird has be looked for for many years after they were thought to be killed off during clear cutting acres of trees in their natural habitat of Arkansas. the most interesting thing about this bird is that there was a reported sighting of the bird in question by a reputable source. At the current time Cornell University is leading the search for the Lord God Bird.