Sunday, September 30, 2007

they are all out to get us

Who is responsable for the shooting of John Lennon? The government would like us to believe that it was Mark David Chapman but conspiricy theroist aren't willing to accept this. These people are not arguing the fact that Chapman pulled the trigger but that he was brainwashed and was just a pawn in someone elses plans. A British lawyer made the connection from Chapman's detached awsners to be a tip-off that he was brain washed.
This whole article from goes on and and pokes holes in the official police report. The first one they attack is that Mark killed John Lennon for the sole purpose of gaining his 15 minutes of fame. This notion is challenged by the detective that spent a lot of time with Mark after the shooting. The detective, Arthur O'Conner, has stated that MDC had no desire to talk to the media following the shooting and looked as if he could have been programmed.
Another theroy is that Lennon's assination was planned and carried out by the soon to be Ronald Regan. This possibility gained so much support that an actul investigation was conducted. Regan and his administration were out to squelch any radicalist that stand up against the establishment. The U. S. government has tried numerous ways to quiet John Lennon starting with denying him permant U.S. citizenship. The reported FBI file on John Lennon is approx. 300 plus pages and states that they had constant survailance on him for seven years.
The author of this web page admits that "phone tapping and ordering an assignation are two different things" but it is easy to see that the United States government did not think that Lennon should be allowed free will.

1 comment:

The Eighth Earl of Sidcup said...

Chapman was clearly insane--there was the whole Catcher in the Rye obsession and belief that he was surrounded by "phonies" (an important thing in the novel) and his belief that Lennon was just another phony. It's interesting how Chapman himself shares something with full-blown conspiracy theorists, the utter misapprehension of others' intentions. It usually comes outas paranoia. At any rate, do you think that this guy really believes that Chapman was going to give the cops a lucid account? I mean, even if it was honest, it would still be disordered. I'd be interesting in hearing your opinion on this in class or on here.