Sunday, September 30, 2007

they are all out to get us

Who is responsable for the shooting of John Lennon? The government would like us to believe that it was Mark David Chapman but conspiricy theroist aren't willing to accept this. These people are not arguing the fact that Chapman pulled the trigger but that he was brainwashed and was just a pawn in someone elses plans. A British lawyer made the connection from Chapman's detached awsners to be a tip-off that he was brain washed.
This whole article from goes on and and pokes holes in the official police report. The first one they attack is that Mark killed John Lennon for the sole purpose of gaining his 15 minutes of fame. This notion is challenged by the detective that spent a lot of time with Mark after the shooting. The detective, Arthur O'Conner, has stated that MDC had no desire to talk to the media following the shooting and looked as if he could have been programmed.
Another theroy is that Lennon's assination was planned and carried out by the soon to be Ronald Regan. This possibility gained so much support that an actul investigation was conducted. Regan and his administration were out to squelch any radicalist that stand up against the establishment. The U. S. government has tried numerous ways to quiet John Lennon starting with denying him permant U.S. citizenship. The reported FBI file on John Lennon is approx. 300 plus pages and states that they had constant survailance on him for seven years.
The author of this web page admits that "phone tapping and ordering an assignation are two different things" but it is easy to see that the United States government did not think that Lennon should be allowed free will.

Monday, September 24, 2007

alternative medicine or giant hoax!!!

Is using Hypnotherapy to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome a valid treatment. A few articles posted online believe that it is. Some researchers are using Gut-directed Hypnotherapy to help sufferers with IBS. Paitients to go hypnotherapists' offices and get treatment for their disability, and after about 8 to 12 sessions their symptoms lessen. This alternative to traditional medicine is some what contriversial but i believe that if people are some how feeling relief from the GDH then why question it. People are not getting hurt by participating in these sessions and the treamemnts appear to be working for the majority of the sufferes.
IBS sufferers are always looking for some way to alleviate their discomfort since traditional medicines do not always work. This alternative medicine gives these people some hope that their situation might be rectified.
One of the problems with this treatment is that is has not been extensivly tested by many doctors. In some of the trials run only a small number of subjects were tested and their were no controls. In other trials controls were used but not on a significant scale.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

long vs. short

Through out the past century and a half men enrolled in college have played football for their respective schools. These football players have had fierce battles on the fields but one important aspect has been left out, the coaches. The coaches of college football teams have one of the most difficult jobs of any coach at any level. The difficulty of this job is what amazes me that Joe Paterno of the Pennsylvania State University Nittany Lions has been there so long. Paterno, or JoePa as the fans call him, is the best college football coach to be apart of the game. My upbringing might be one aspect why I believe this but there are numerous others.
I was born in south-central Pennsylvania which left me a small range of options for who my favorite college would be. That decision was almost made for me before I was born by my father. My dad is a PSU alumnus along with a huge Nittany Lions Fan. Growing up I can remember watching college football early Saturday afternoon. The game on the television was always Penn State and you rooted for them no matter what the score was. Luckily I was born during an era in PSU football when they were dominating over other teams. However, during on of these games I noticed a man wearing a white dress shirt and blue tie with kaki pants rolled up over black cleats. When I asked my dad who that man was, he replied that’s the greatest coach to ever walk a sideline. He was of course talking about JoePa. Since I was young when I asked my father that and young kids often take their parents words as absolute truths I believed him.
After a little while I began to ask questions about Paterno. When my dad explained to me all of the great things that Joe had brought about it was easy to see that he is the greatest coach to walk a sideline. So from my birth I have been conditioned to love Penn State and in turn think that Joe Paterno is the greatest college football coach. This has all been instilled upon me through my family.
My current interest also allows me to come to my conclusion that Joe Paterno is the greatest collegiate coach in history. My Saturdays consist of my friends and me sitting in front of the television switching between various college football games. We will watch any game from the early east coast games that start at 11am all the way to the 10 pm games between the rainbow warriors. Watching this many games has given me my own set of criteria as to what makes a great football coach.
Coaches need to be able to deal with people from different backgrounds. Some coaches put an emphasis on schoolwork while others harp sports and don’t care about graduation rates. Other coaches will allow a player to participate in team activities when they have not followed team procedures. And finally, coaches only have four, maybe five with some athletes, years to educate these young men in areas of not only football but life. Joe Paterno is not only concerned with the football part of college; he is a life coach, an opportunity giver, and a teacher. All of these have lead to my assumption that he is the greatest coach ever. These assumptions were strengthened by my own personal experiences along with some help from my peers.
Personal experiences have also helped form my beliefs in Paterno. As an athlete myself, I look at what I would want in a coach. The first and second hand information that I have revived on Joe all indicate that he is in fact a great coach. On a previous trip to Penn State University to attend a football camp given by the PSU football staff I got to see first hand the effects that Paterno has on the school. His determination of have great coaches on the sideline with him as well as when giving lessons at camps to hopeful high school athletes.
Society is the last influence in my life that has made be believe that Joe Paterno is the greatest collegiate coach. Many other college football fans also recognize Joe Paterno as the premier head coach. He currently sits in second place for most career wins in Division 1 football, only behind Bobby Bowden. JoePa was the first one to break Paul “Bear” Bryant’s record for career wins, and Bryant was considered the best college football coach ever.
Under Paterno’s tutelage numerous players have won academic honors along with many post season accolades. However, some of his players don’t stop playing after college and get drafted by professional teams or picked up as free agents. The list of Penn State players in the National Football League is shorter than those at other institutions but, NFL scouts and coaches give Penn State players an added value. The high esteem that NFL personnel place on Penn State players come from past experiences and know that they are getting a quality player both physically and mentally. They believe that Joe is a great coach and has taught the players how to act on the field as well as off. These awards and respect show how great a coach Joe is and why he is respected as the greatest to walk a sideline.

College football players have been the main focus, but one important aspect has been left out, the coaches. Coaching college football is the hardest job a coach has, which is why Joe Paterno’s tenure impresses me so much. Paterno is one of the best coaches in any sport. My upbringing and many other factors have shaped my beliefs.
I was born in Pennsylvania, which left me with few options for my favorite college football team. However, my dad is a Penn State alumnus and football fan and he made up my mind for me. As a kid I was fed a steady dose of Penn State football and have continued to watch since. When watching a game with my dad, I asked who the coach was; he replied, “That’s the greatest coach to ever walk a sideline.” Since I was young when I asked my father that, and young kids often take their parents’ words as absolute truths, I believed him.
After getting information about Joe’s accomplishments, I was determined that he is the greatest coach to walk a sideline. Through my family I have been conditioned to love Penn State football and in turn, Joe Paterno.
My current interests in college football also help me gauge coaching talent. My friends and I watch various college football games on television every Saturday. It does not matter what conference the teams are associated with, we are watching. Watching this many games has given me my own set of criteria as to what makes a great football coach.
Coaches need to be able to deal with people from different backgrounds. Some coaches only worry about sports while others take pride molding successful young men. These bad coaches allow their players to play when rules have been broken. Coaches have a few years to educate their athletes in areas of football and life. Joe Paterno is one of the best at teaching how to conduct one’s self and how to be a great football player. These factors lead me to my conclusion that Joe is the greatest coach ever. My conclusion was formed by personal experiences and through peers.
As an athlete, I look for what I want in a coach. Meeting Paterno and hearing stories about him all indicate that he is a great coach. Attending a football camp on Penn State’s campus showed me first hand the effect that Paterno has on the school. His determination to have great coaches on the sideline with him shows his commitment to his job.
Society has influenced me to believe that Joe Paterno is the greatest coach. Many other fans also recognize Joe Paterno as the premier head coach. Joe was the all time leader in wins until he was passed by Bobby Bowden, Flordia State’s coach. Joe took this record from Paul Bryant, one of the best coaches ever.
Paterno’s players are less numerous than other schools, but NFL scouts and coaches give Penn State players an added value. The added value on Penn State players comes from past experiences. These players are better both physically and mentally. NFL coaches believe that Joe is a great coach and has taught the players how to act on and off the field. This respect shows how great a coach Joe is and why he is the best.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Holocaust or Not???

Deniers of the Holocaust have made many claims as to why to deny it. They make claims of facts and try other of emotion. In an article from the Anti-Defamation League various deniers have posted their reasons for not believing in the Holocaust. One of the posters on the website, Mark Weber, pointed out there there were no orders from Hitler himself to kill the Jews, no autopsy's done on gassed victims, and finally no bones of dead Jews to prove they were killed there. Another writer posted that so called "eye witnesses" are telling lies just to get rich of German and United States tax payers.
Another reason disbelievers are angry against the Jews is because of the money they are receiving for reparations. They claim that since you are still alive you have not suffered, thus not entitled to any such reparations. A different poster makes claims that why should someone who was not even born during the Holocaust have to pay such taxes, especially when Israel didn't become a nation until 1948. that is another example they use to prove that the Zionists are just trying to get as much money from anybody they can.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


I have recently come across a website that allows people with out of this world encounters to share their stories to the world. This website allows anyone who has had an encounter with a UFO to blog about it and welcomes feedback to the publisher.
The author of the second story, submitted by an anonymous 47 year old manager, tells of an encounter with a space ship that apparently hovered over his car, then flew over to a field of sheep. When the ship was hovering over the sheep a light emanating from said ship and illuminated the sheep. At this time the observant took his eyes off the ship to check the road again. When the driver turning back towards the ship, it had vanished.
This post is one of the more believable stories on the website. The blogger claims to have seen a spaceship hover over his vehicle and then proceed to fly over a flock of sheep while pointing a searchlight on them. these are all some what believable claims but would require much more credible information for the general public to believe them as truths.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

things i dont agree with

i do not understand why Penn State football is continuously left off of the lists of perennial powerhouse schools. Just because they had a streatch of a few seasons where they did not have stellar years does not mean they are a bad team. When PSU won the national titles in 1986 and subsequently in 1992 not to mention in 1996 when we were snubbed by the voters for the national title. the thing that really gets me mad is that teams like Michigan, Ohio State, and Notre Dame have has same rough spots but are still talked about as football powerhouses. the main disagreement i have is that PSU beats these other schools on a consistant basis and no one turns their head.

Hey Howdy Hey

This is my first blog and thats about it!