Sunday, September 9, 2007


I have recently come across a website that allows people with out of this world encounters to share their stories to the world. This website allows anyone who has had an encounter with a UFO to blog about it and welcomes feedback to the publisher.
The author of the second story, submitted by an anonymous 47 year old manager, tells of an encounter with a space ship that apparently hovered over his car, then flew over to a field of sheep. When the ship was hovering over the sheep a light emanating from said ship and illuminated the sheep. At this time the observant took his eyes off the ship to check the road again. When the driver turning back towards the ship, it had vanished.
This post is one of the more believable stories on the website. The blogger claims to have seen a spaceship hover over his vehicle and then proceed to fly over a flock of sheep while pointing a searchlight on them. these are all some what believable claims but would require much more credible information for the general public to believe them as truths.

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